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Montana Guide

Montana is a state in the Pacific Northwest and Great Plains regions of the United States of America. The central and western thirds of the state have numerous mountain ranges (approximately 77 named) of the northern Rocky Mountains; thus the state's name, derived from the Spanish word montaņa ("mountain"). The state nickname is the "Treasure State." Other nicknames include "Land of Shining Mountains," "Big Sky Country," and the slogan "the last best place." The state ranks fourth in area, but 44th in population, and therefore has the third lowest population density in the United States. The economy is primarily based on agriculture and significant lumber and mineral extraction.[citation needed] Tourism is also important to the economy, with millions of visitors a year to Glacier National Park, the Battle of Little Bighorn site, and three of the five entrances to Yellowstone National Park.

Montana became a United States territory (Montana Territory) on May 26, 1864, and the 41st state on November 8, 1889.



The flag of Montana consists of the image of the Montana state seal centered on a blue field. Within the seal, a plow, shovel, and pick rest in a field in front of the Great Falls of the Missouri River. The ribbon contains the state motto, "Oro y plata" (Spanish for: "Gold and silver"). The current flag was adopted in 1905, and the word "Montana" above the seal was added in 1981. In 1985, the flag was again modified to specify the font used in "Montana." Before it was adopted as a state flag, it was used by Montana troops deploying for the Spanish-American War.

The Montana State Seal was adopted in 1865, when Montana was a United State Territory. When it became a state in 1889, it was decided to use the same seal. In 1891, proposals where made to make changes or adopt a brand new seal. None of these proposals passed legislation. The outer ring of the seal contains the text "The Great Seal of the State of Montana". The inner circle contains a shovel, a pick, and a plow could symbolize Montana's agricultural and mineral wealth. The banner at the bottom of the seal reads the territorial motto of "Oro y Plata", meaning "Gold and Silver".

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Montana Flag
Montana Seal
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